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Showing posts from January, 2013

Fresh Start!

It seems it wasn't that long ago [September] when I was speaking of "New Beginnings" then.  My, how time just seems to slip by!  But here it is January, the beginning of a brand new year.  So, how are those "New Year's Resolutions" coming?  Are you sticking by them, or have they seemed to go by the wayside?!  Personally, I've stopped long ago making New Year's Resolutions.  I never seem to keep them, at least not for I end up being more frustrated with myself...not the best of situations.   What I do try to do is set some realistic goals for myself, and by God's grace and power I'm endeavoring to reach them.    I do like the thought of new beginnings...God does as well!  He desires for us to reach new heights and do greater things for Him and for ourselves.  Today, I just wanted to share some quotations with you, that might be an encouragement to you to reach higher heights and keep on keeping on fo...