Psalm 23:5c “…my cup runneth over.” My, what a long time it’s been since I’ve written! I am so sorry. We all tend to get busy with the things of this life, and some things just get put on hold. I will try to do better! Last time, I ended with the thought that our cup should be running over…rather a lead in to this next section! Our cup should be running over; the blessings of God truly abound! I think for this section, I am just going to recount each promise phrase that is spoken of in this psalm: (1) Promise of Shepherding: tending, feeding, and guarding His precious sheep (2) Promise of Providing: providing for all our needs If we will cast all our cares on Him, He will meet those needs A God-centered life brings peace and contentment (3) Promise of Rest God knows just when we are in need of rest---and He provi...