Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Live Triumphantly!

Psalm 23:5a
“Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies…”      

Let’s think of that phrase for just a little bit.  What kind of picture does that conjure up for you?  First of all, to me, the word table makes me think of a banquet or feast… and oh, what a feast that would be!  You did notice God is preparing that table.  When God is in the midst of it, what a grand thing it is!  God doesn’t do things just half-heartedly…no way!  God does things BIG!!  So when blessings are in store, He gets out His BIG shovel!!  Blessings ABOUND!!  You see, dear Christian, God desires the very best for us.  It’s we, ourselves, that limit God’s richest blessings.  But when we’re walking with God, obeying His Word, wow! what blessings are in store for us!! 

Let’s notice, too, God says He’s preparing that table right before us.  He wants us to see everything He has in store for us.  He doesn’t want us to miss out on anything.  His richest blessings are available to us, if we will but follow Him.

Lastly, let’s notice, God says He is preparing that table even in the presence of our enemies.  Hmmm…that should make us think a little bit.  Why does God say that?  Because He wants us to remember that we are on the winning side, Christian!!  One day, God will put all enemies under His feet (1 Cor. 15:25), and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Phil. 2:10).  We are on the winning side!!  Nothing causes God to fear, and nothing takes Him by surprise.  God is in control of all things, and knowing that, should cause us to live triumphantly!  That alone should give us confidence and boldness.  He is our God and we are His children…if we have turned from our sin and accepted His death for our sin.  If you have further questions concerning this, please reference any of the numerous postings I have listed for salvation.  Or, you can drop me a message or email…I’d be more than happy to share God’s simple plan of salvation with you!            
But for you, Christian, remember you’re on the winning side…and even in the midst of our enemies, God has prepared a table, a feast, if you will!  He desires that we follow Him and…

            Live triumphantly!  His richest blessings are in store!  


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thy rod and Thy staff

Psalm 23:4c
“…Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.”            
In studying the Bible, you will find many analogies; but one very popular one is the analogy of the sheep and their Shepherd.  If you have had the chance to read some of my previous postings, you have found how comforting this truly is.  And this phrase—Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me—is equally as comforting.

Think for a minute of a shepherd.  There are many jobs a shepherd must do, but primarily their job is to protect and to guide their sheep.  Sheep, unfortunately, can be very dumb and willful…not a very complimentary thing to say about us, as sheep!  The shepherd must be very protective, as well as being very caring, compassionate and longsuffering.

 First of all, let’s define the rod and the staff.  The rod can be likened to a club.  It is the shepherd’s primary tool for protecting, as well as disciplining his sheep.  Jesus makes use of many different devices to protect us and to discipline us.  His first and most powerful tool is the Word of God; this can be used both defensively and offensively.  We need to use it as well, as it is our most powerful tool.  He also uses people in our lives, whether it be our Pastor, family, friends, or complete strangers.  Lastly, God uses circumstances in our lives to protect us, to discipline us, to mold us into the image of His Son.

Lastly, let’s talk about the staff.  This is the shepherd’s tool you’ve probably seen the most, in regards to a shepherd.  It is that hooked or crooked-end tool associated with a shepherd.  It is used primarily for guiding his sheep.  Again, there are many tools God uses, such as were mentioned above; but the primary tool he uses to guide His sheep is His Word.  That is the reason we must be in His Word daily, and in the House of God whenever possible, that we might read and hear His Word.  Of course, that is really only the beginning; we must be doers of the Word, and not hearers only (James 1:22).

How comforting it is to know The Good Shepherd!  He is truly all, all that we need!  And how comforting, too, to know that our Shepherd provides all that is needed for our protection and guidance.  He truly is most caring and compassionate and longsuffering toward us, His sheep.

            …something to meditate upon!         


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Thou art with me...

Psalm 23: 4
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me;”

That’s the blessing, dear Christian, of knowing Christ!  He gives us confidence in the very face of death!  That’s the first question, of course…are you truly a Christian??  I don’t plan on going into that subject on this post…but if there’s any question in your heart and mind that you’re truly saved, that you know Christ as your personal Saviour, please, please turn to the many reference labels I have concerning salvation.  That is a MUST!  …please make sure of your salvation today! 

What I do wish to speak about in this post—although I’m sure I will be fairly short—is the wonderful fact that no matter what we’re facing—including death—is that we can have confidence and strength through God.  There is nothing we need to fear.  why? …because God says He is with us!  He promises over and over again throughout Scripture, that He will be with us…He will not forsake us.  What precious promises!  There are so many countless promises in God‘s Word.  Some of them are conditional, and we must be careful to be obedient to His Word, that we might have the blessing of those promises…but one very special promise He has for us, is the fact that He will go with us.

Let me slip a little note in here, too.  Notice in our verse, it says the shadow of death.  Even in death—probably the worst thing we could go through—it is still just a shadow.  What is a shadow?…it is there for a moment, and then it quickly passes away.  I had a history teacher that had a habit of saying right before a test, “This, too, shall pass.”  In other words, no matter the circumstances you may be facing, even this shall pass…it is only for a moment.

Psalm 73:26 says, “My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.”  No matter what we may be going through—physically, emotionally, whatever—we can count on the fact that God is our strength.  He is all that we need for any and every situation we face.   but God!  He should be our focus.  When times are hardest, focus on God.  That’s very difficult to do, I know.  …but God!!  He is a strength…He is our confidence…He is all that we need.

In closing, let me share one last verse: Isaiah 26:3 says, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee.”  What a precious verse…what a precious promise!  Trust God…He will give you peace.

Trust God!  He is with you!



Thursday, March 27, 2014

Paths of Righteousness

Psalm 23:3b

"...He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."

In just the verse previous it says, "He leadeth me beside the still waters."  Well, again, God is leading us...but in this case He leads us in the paths of righteousness.  What does that mean?  Well, first of all, I believe I've heard it said on more than one occasion, "A good definition for 'righteousness' is Right with God-ness."  In other words, righteousness is a right standing before God. We cannot have a right standing before God without having confessed to God that we are a sinner, and in need of Christ's  finished work on the cross.  That is really a whole new subject...but it is, in fact, where it all begins.  If you do not know Christ as your personal Saviour, please reference "salvation" in my postings.  There are many, many references that will be a help to you.  This posting is primarily for Christians, and the reminder that God will lead us in the paths of righteousness...we just need to be willing to follow!

Let me remind you, dear Christian, God has given us His Holy Spirit to be a help to us.  He is there for us...for so many reasons.  Perhaps that will be my next study to share with you!  But just to give a little tidbit or two, let me remind you of John 14:16 which says, "And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever."  The Holy Spirit is our Comforter...what a comfort that is!  And verse 17 says, "He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."  ...yet, still another comforting thought!  He dwells with us and in us...and He is the One guiding us in the paths of righteousness.  He is that convicting voice within us, endeavoring to guide us in the way we should go.  God still leaves it up to us, what is our will and way; but oh, how He desires for us follow Him and be at a right standing before Him.

A right standing before Him...that brings up another subjectThe Holy Spirit will also convict us of any sin in our hearts and lives.  We won't be at a right standing before God if there's any sin in our hearts and lives.  We must keep the way clean and clear between us.  Another thing that will help us in that regard, is being in the Word.  God's Word is power to us...and yes, it'll convict us as well, of any sin; but it will guide us into all truth.  It is strength and power to us.

Let me close with this:  This particular verse closes with the words, "for His name's sake."  "He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."  In other words, if we will follow His leading and keep at a right standing before Him, that is what will bring the greatest glory to Himself.  Let me remind you, dear Christian, the reason we were saved, and the reason we are still here on this earth is that we might bring glory to God.  That is our prime purpose in life!  For His name's sake...we aren't to live this life for ourselves, but for His name's sake.  Oh, that it might be so in each of our lives!

May we always follow God's leading...and thereby, bring glory to Him! 



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