Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thy rod and Thy staff

Psalm 23:4c
“…Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.”            
In studying the Bible, you will find many analogies; but one very popular one is the analogy of the sheep and their Shepherd.  If you have had the chance to read some of my previous postings, you have found how comforting this truly is.  And this phrase—Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me—is equally as comforting.

Think for a minute of a shepherd.  There are many jobs a shepherd must do, but primarily their job is to protect and to guide their sheep.  Sheep, unfortunately, can be very dumb and willful…not a very complimentary thing to say about us, as sheep!  The shepherd must be very protective, as well as being very caring, compassionate and longsuffering.

 First of all, let’s define the rod and the staff.  The rod can be likened to a club.  It is the shepherd’s primary tool for protecting, as well as disciplining his sheep.  Jesus makes use of many different devices to protect us and to discipline us.  His first and most powerful tool is the Word of God; this can be used both defensively and offensively.  We need to use it as well, as it is our most powerful tool.  He also uses people in our lives, whether it be our Pastor, family, friends, or complete strangers.  Lastly, God uses circumstances in our lives to protect us, to discipline us, to mold us into the image of His Son.

Lastly, let’s talk about the staff.  This is the shepherd’s tool you’ve probably seen the most, in regards to a shepherd.  It is that hooked or crooked-end tool associated with a shepherd.  It is used primarily for guiding his sheep.  Again, there are many tools God uses, such as were mentioned above; but the primary tool he uses to guide His sheep is His Word.  That is the reason we must be in His Word daily, and in the House of God whenever possible, that we might read and hear His Word.  Of course, that is really only the beginning; we must be doers of the Word, and not hearers only (James 1:22).

How comforting it is to know The Good Shepherd!  He is truly all, all that we need!  And how comforting, too, to know that our Shepherd provides all that is needed for our protection and guidance.  He truly is most caring and compassionate and longsuffering toward us, His sheep.

            …something to meditate upon!         



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