I'd like to share with you my testimony. I was only 12 years old…and my oldest brother had just turned 24. He got pneumonia and within 30 hours in the hospital, he was gone. He passed away. He died. My question to you is this: If you died today, do you know for SURE you are on your way to heaven? I mean, are you 100% positive you would be in heaven today, if you should die? It doesn't have to be anything so drastic as a long, drawn out illness. It could be a simple surgery gone wrong. It could be something as inconsequential as texting a brief reply while driving, and the next moment CRASH!! -- and you're off into eternity!! Or it could be any of countless possibilities--life is so uncertain. Please make certain of your ETERNAL destination today!
In John 14:6 it says, (and Jesus Christ is speaking), "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Jesus Christ is our only way to Heaven! He came to this earth that He might die for your sin and mine. Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." As sinners, the only thing we deserve is death in hell. Jesus Christ, however, paid our sin-debt on the cross! God offers the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. All we must do is accept His precious gift, His Son as payment for our sin. Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." You see, there is absolutely nothing we can do in and of ourselves to earn our way to Heaven. But Jesus Christ has done everything we need by dying in our place. His wondrous, matchless grace!! All we must do is confess our sin and accept Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour…it's that simple! Your acceptance of Christ--or not--makes the difference of Heaven or hell. Won't you make that decision today? God loves you so much that He died for you!!
I said I wanted to share my testimony…it is really God's testimony of His work in me. The first paragraph is only the beginning. That is where God began to work in the lives of my family. We began attending a Baptist church, and I heard for the first time the message I just gave to you. I walked down the aisle of that church (because that is what my Mom wanted me to do); but that wasn't salvation, even with tears flowing down my face and following another woman in prayer "to accept Christ as my Saviour." But like I said, that wasn't true salvation. But a month or two later, God did get a hold of my heart--and I did truly confess my sin and asked Christ to be my personal Saviour. You see, it isn't trusting in anything you can do--but it is trusting in everything Christ has done! He is the ONLY way of salvation…and that isn't just the Baptist way, that's the BIBLE way!
Please--if you should have any questions, please feel free to leave your comments or questions. You can also find further postings on salvation--just click on the word "salvation" under labels; it'll bring up several postings in my blog. Just please don't put it off any longer. Satan would love to fill your mind with lies--or in the very least, to procrastinate. But be certain, life is not certain. You are not assured of even one more breath. Please make certain of your ETERNAL destination today!
Please make sure today!
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