This is a scary but unfortunate story of God's wrath against the disbelieving and disobedient.
What is really scary and unfortunate is the fact that so many Christians today act just like the Israelites spoken of in this psalm. Many of us are like that. The bottom line: we want our own way; it's SELF that is on the throne, not God, like He so deserves.
I. The Ridiculousness of such a State
A. God Delivered Them
B. God Led Them
i. by a cloud by day
ii. by fire by night
C. God Leads and Guides Us, as well
i. by His Word
ii. by His Spirit
D. God Refreshed Them
E. God Will Refresh Us, as well
i. spend time with Him
ii. allow Him to refresh you
F. God Fed Them
II. The Result of such a State
A. An Empty Life
B. A Troubled Life
III. The Reasons for such a State--UNBELIEF
A. For the Saved
i. saints do not believe they are a new creature
ii. saints do not believe they will reap what they sow
iii. saints do not believe they have been set free from sin
B. For the Unsaved
i. the unsaved do not believe in the blood atonement of Christ
ii. the unsaved do not believe the wages of sin is death--apart from God in a place called hell
iii. the unsaved do not believe Jesus will truly save
IV. The Recourse for such a State
A. Recognize the chastening hand of God
B. Experience repentance toward God--a turning from sin
C. Trust in God's compassion
D. Seek God's forgiveness
E. Don't presume of God's patience
This was a sermon outline from my dear pastor in Pleasanton, CA, Pastor Bill Bryson, as preached on August 12, 2007. May we always believe God and His Word, and follow hard after Him. God's ways are always best. May we trust God and love Him more & more each day!
May we follow hard after God
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