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God's Promise of Rest

If you're just joining us,  you've caught us at the third lesson of the well-known passage, the Shepherd psalm, Psalm 23.  Please feel free to go back and read the others.


Psalm 23:2a  "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures…"


First of all, it says, "He makes me to lie down…."  There are times in our lives when God must make us lie down.  We're in need of some much-needed rest; some times we need to just get away and have some down time with Him.  There's probably a number of reason we might need some down time, but be assured, God knows best!


We just finished moving to the state of Washington.  I can say--without a doubt--it is like no where else I have been before!  Regardless...we have the privilege of having a horse ranch located behind our yard and neighborhood.  It is quite enjoyable to watch these horses run, play, and graze.  What I also find interesting is to see them lie down on occasion.  I suppose they are tired--I do not begin to know--but I find it interesting, as I don't see that very often.


My point is this, we--as Christians--also need to rest; we need some down time on occasion, for whatever reason.  A lot of times we get so busy and caught up with the day-to-day things of this life, that we miss out on time spent with Jesus.  We need time spent with God, dear Christian.  We cannot afford to live this life without Him!  So it is--if we do get too busy and forget God (or whatever reason), God realizes we need some much needed time to rest and recuperate.


Next point--rather a sub-point--is the fact that God makes us to lie down in green pastures.  The term green pastures refers to tender grass.   "He maketh me to lie down" in tender grass.  Our God is a loving and compassionate God that cares for our every need.  He knows when we need to lie down, and He knows that in order for our recuperation to be restful, the grass should indeed be tender and sweet.   God's Word--which we should be feeding upon--and God's ways are always tender and sweet!   Perhaps today, what you need, is to realize anew how tender and sweet--how truly precious--is our God and His Word...and all His marvelous ways!


In closing, let me share with you a couple passages of Scripture.  First, Matthew 9:36, which says, "But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd."  These were the lost sheep, those that still did not know the Savior.  He was moved with compassion on them because they did not know Him.  I wonder, dear friend, do you know Christ as your personal Savior?  You can know Him today.  Please feel free to reference any of the numerous postings I have written on the subject of salvation.  It is truly a matter of life and death...for all of eternity.  Please don't put such an important decision aside. 


Lastly, I'd like to share with you Matthew 11:28-30 (another well-known passage).  It says this: "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and My burden is light."  Those words are for Christian and non-Christian alike.  God so desires for us to come to Him.  If we do, He promises to us sweet, needed rest!  What a wonderful, compassionate God we have!


       May you rest in Him today!




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