"He restoreth my soul..."
What a statement! He restores our soul! Isn't that the ultimate of blessings? There is so much in this world that seems to get in the way of our fellowship and walk with the Lord...or heartaches that seem too much for us to bear. Some things are so heavy on our hearts--on our very souls-- that it's all we can do to get through the day. Perhaps that's the point...it's too much for us to bear...but nothing is too much for our Savior to bear! He desires to carry our load...no matter how deep it reaches into our souls. Sometimes I think that is the purpose for some things taking place in our life...that we might turn to God. He desires so much for us to turn to Him, to trust Him. Oh, that we would!
You see, God promises to not only meet our physical needs, but He also promises to meet our spiritual needs, our heart and soul needs. Ah, dear friend, Jesus Christ, Who bore our sin debt on the cross, He is so much to us. He is the great I AM! He is everything to us...least wise, He desires to be. We are the only thing that hinders Him from showing us all that He is, all that He can be to us.
Of all the things God is, He is the Healer. Oh, what a precious thing that is! He can heal the brokenhearted. He can save our sin-sick soul...and He will, if you just turn to Him and trust Him as your Savior today. [For further conversation on that subject, be sure to turn to my many postings on salvation. God would love for you to trust Him today. It is a simple matter, but also a very necessary matter. We must call on God, asking Him to forgive us of our sin, and trust His wondrous and gracious gift of salvation. He died on the cross, so that we wouldn't have to; but we must accept His gift of salvation, trusting Him by faith, or that wondrous gift is not ours.] If, on the other hand, you've just strayed from the Lord--or are in need of releasing a heartache to Him--then know for a certainty--God desires to meet that need as well. God so desires to restore our soul, to heal us of our greatest heartaches. Healing...is that what you are in need of today, dear friend? What a precious word that is--healing!
I hope you indeed find healing today!

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