Christmas is not just a holiday. Nor is Christmas just about a baby being born in a manger. Yes, we celebrate Jesus being born--and don't minimize this--if Jesus hadn't been born of a virgin, He would not have been God! Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, God in the flesh! And wonder of wonders that God would come to this earth--why? to die for mankind! How precious, how wonderful that is! That is the truth of Christmas--Jesus Christ was born so that He might die for us!! That is the wonder of Christmas-- Jesus coming to earth to provide salvation to lowly sinners like you and I. But that really is only the beginning. Christmas is all about Christ and the gospel--His death, burial, and resurrection. Once you start to tell about God Incarnate, you just must tell the whole story! John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlast...