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Faith Defined

Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Faith is the vehicle whereby we trust God.  Faith believes what God says and acts upon it.  In other words, faith is our transporter!  Without faith, we have nothing.  We must believe God and trust.  And the second part of that verse says our faith is what glorifies God.  Our faith shows to the unbelieving world what God is all about.  Our faith is the evidence of God at work.  Faith is the initiating force. 

Faith can be likened to a seed.  Without the seed, nothing grows.  But if that seed germinates or sprouts, and it is watered and fertilized, you'll find it will blossom into something quite beautiful.  Faith is like that.  If we will but believe God and act upon it, then that faith will grow and strengthen and flourish into something beautiful for the Lord.

Biblical faith means having trust, confidence, or assurance in God and His Word.  It means laying aside all dependence in yourself, and trusting Him completely.  Faith releases you from your limited abilities into God's unlimited, all-powerful abilities.         

Remember: Biblical faith is always a decision to obey God--and obedience always leads to action.  God is always desirous of moving us forward--in our relationship with Him; in growth and maturity; in ministry to others.  The process is an act of faith seen in our dying to self and depending fully on God.  The choice, however, is up to you.

Remember, too, God is able -- God is desirous.  Know your God -- and ask in faith, believing!

Putting our Faith to Action!


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