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Maturing - Growing

When I think of the subject of maturing or growing, I think of the passage in James 1.  Verses 3-4 say this: "Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.  But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."  

We need to realize that in order for us to mature or grow, we're going to have to go through testing or trials.  God knows that is the only way we're going to grow and mature…and He knows just what it'll take to get our attention, and produce the fruit that He desires.  When we're put under God's pressure cooker, our faith is forced to show what it's really worth.  How true, how strong our faith really is, is going to show forth.  On the other hand, it is in times such as this that we exercise our faith as well.  If we remain faithful, our faith and character is strengthened.  God works through a submissive, surrendered heart to produce Godly character in us.    

Let's add to that thought.  When we act with a submissive heart, God gives us peace and contentment.  Get this, when we're submissive, we are able to rest in God!  It's an all-inclusive mesh of characteristics and attitudes that God is shaping in you…to mold you into the image of Christ!         But we must go through the fire first to burn off all the worthless dross.  It is through the testings of life that our faith is not only strengthened but purified.

It is also through the testings of life that you show just how mature or immature you are.  How you respond through the testings of life, speaks volumes of how strong your faith and character are.  Remember that!  When faced with a trial or temptation, who do you depend on?  Do you go to God, asking Him for the grace and strength to see you through it?  Or do you get independent, thinking you can do it all yourself?  Or worse, are you still at the immature stage of asking questions and dodging bullets?  Maturity!  That's what it's all about!  God is at work molding you like Christ. Question is--how are you responding?  How you respond to the testings of life is a real display of how mature or immature you are.  Submit to God's plan and trust Him to see you through it--it is then that you will mature, and your faith and character will mature as well! 

Let's step back a moment.  We said God desires to strengthen your faith and character.  What is character?  Webster defines character as (1) the combination of qualities or features that distinguishes a person; or (2) moral or ethical strength; integrity; fortitude.  In an earlier post, I said, "Character, by definition, means integrity, or that moral fiber within you which causes you to do that which is true and honorable."  Not a bad definition; but let's add to that!  I say character can be defined as God-like qualities!  How God-like are you becoming?  How God-like are you allowing God to make you? Are you going to allow God to work in your life to make you better, or are you going to allow the circumstances of life make you bitter?  Press on and determine by God's grace to become all that God desires of you.  Allow Him to form in you Godly character.

But is it really all about producing Godly character?  No, of course not.  God doesn't want just a whole lot of robots that look like Him...except perhaps, that He might be glorified.  I said earlier that God knows just what it'll take to get our attention, to produce the fruit that He desires.  What is "fruit?" (this could be a whole new posting and subject all by itself!)  But God desires to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit in and through us: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith...).  God desires to see His fruit abound in and through us so that others (the unbelieving world) can see a better way of life (an eternal life)...and God knows that with His working in us, with maturity and growth comes glorifying God.  A life that is overjoyed with God, cannot help but overflow to the lives of others!  And that is a life that is a witness and testimony of all of God's goodness.     Go share with others what God is doing in and through your life!

   God is so good!


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